For aficionados and connoisseurs alike, the allure of classic Cuban cigars is simple. Renowned for their wealthy history, impeccable craftsmanship, and unparalleled flavor profiles, these cigars hold a Distinctive area within the hearts of fanatics worldwide. In thi
Cuban Aroma is gearing up for its highly anticipated End of Year Sales, offering a delightful array of discounts, promotions, and exclusive offerings to delight customers during the festive season. As we approach the close of the year, Cuban Aroma invites coffee connoisseurs and gift-seekers alike
The Montecristo Open Slam Cigar is a vitola known as Idlicos that measures 5 3/5 (142mm) x 52 and appears to be a new vitola for the Cuban cigar world. It will join the Montecristo Open sub-brand, which debuted with four vitolas in 2009. The Box is available in boxes of 15 and 20 cigars.
When you
Let's talk about the Por Larrañaga Fénix ER Phoenicia 2021, a special box of 15 cigars that shows off amazing craftsmanship and tradition. This fancy edition was made just for Phoenicia Trading A.A. and is a big deal in the world of high-quality cigars.